July 9, 2012

20 Random Things About Me: Let’s Get Personal

Ok, so I am fully jumping on a blog trend right now and thus have compiled a list of 20 random things about me to give all you readers a closer look into the life of Jessica Moorhouse, the Personal Finance Blogger. Blonde on a Budget, Making Sense of Cents, and probably a slew of other bloggers have all written posts with fun facts about themselves already (which I loved reading) and I’ve decided to join in the fun too.

I was actually thinking of writing a post like this a little while ago, but I wasn’t sure if I really want to divulge that much info about my personal life yet. After publishing my post about why I chose not to be an anonymous blogger last week, I had a change of heart. I’m a proud public blogger, and as long as I’m not blogging my social insurance number out on the Internet, what’s a few harmless tidbits about myself gonna do? Let’s begin:

1. I have a BFA in Film Production because I thought I wanted to be a filmmaker when I grew up. After 5 years of post-secondary education, and a few short films under my belt, I realized as much as I love film, I don’t want to be working 14-hour days in the rain without any job stability or health benefits. I knew I wanted to get married and have a family one day so I decided after my degree to change course on the career front.

2. That being said after I graduated from university I circulated my graduating short film “Catechism” to a number of festivals and did quite well if I do say myself. I got my amazing older sis to build me a website for my production company, I won a few awards, and if you are interested and live in Canada you can watch the full film here.

3. I considered going to law school after graduating from university. I love watching Law & Order and I knew being a lawyer would enable me to have the financial security that I always dreamed of. Then I took the practice LSAT test. After getting almost every question wrong, I realized law school wasn’t for me.

4. I don’t like berries. That’s right. None of them. I only like things with a fake berry taste. I don’t know why but to this day I refuse to eat anything with berries in it.

5. I’m also not much of a fruit fan. Sure I like bananas and apples, but otherwise, I’d be fine if I never ate fruit again. I do however love vegetables. Not all vegetables. What’s eggplant all about? Ok, let’s just say I’m a very picky eater.

6. I’m left-handed. Apparently so was my older sis when she was younger but my parents “corrected” her. I guess they gave up on me so now I have to try not to smudge everything I write when using an ink pen.

7. I was in highland (Scottish) dancing for 2 years when I was in elementary school. I loved it because I felt fancy wearing a kilt, but I was a terrible dancer, hated the tight leather shoes, and hated competing. Plus the fact that I was allowed to dance around swords as a kid still boggles my mind.

8. I used to be an amazing cartoonist when I was younger. I would be the kid you went to in class if you needed help drawing something. Unfortunately, my skills are a bit rusty now but my dad who was my drawing teacher is one of the most amazing artists I know. He frickin’ painted Van Gogh’s Sunflowers for our kitchen and it looks spot on!

9. I used to play rugby in high school as a winger. I may be short and small, but I was fast! I’m considerably slower now and that’s why I no longer play rugby. Plus those adult rugby women are huge!

10. I am deathly afraid of spiders. Yeah, I know a lot of people have this phobia but I once had to call my roommate from inside my room because a spider was at my door and I couldn’t open it. Then I got her boyfriend to kill it for me.

11. I’ve never finished reading Lord of the Rings. I finished the first book and half of the second one but I just couldn’t do it. Just drop that ring in that stupid fire already!

12. I have a weakness for anything period-piece. Seriously, name it, I’ve seen it. That also includes trashy romance novels. Whatever, I know I’m not alone and I’m not ashamed!

13. If I laugh really hard, I snort. It’s not pretty.

14. I’ve worked in customer service for over 5 years at A&W, Blockbuster, Jacob Connexion, and my university’s bookstore, and in two of those jobs, I was forced to leave because they closed down. Blockbuster was by far the best part-time job I’ve ever had.

15. I’ve been almost everywhere in Canada except for Newfoundland, Ontario, and Manitoba. Okay fine, I’m not counting the Yukon, North-West Territories, or Nunavut, but let’s be honest, those places are mainly ice anyway.

16. One of the things on my bucket list is to be a character on a reality show. I don’t care if it’s a bit part on Property Virgins or one of the zany people on Come Dine With Me Canada. I’m gonna be on some show one day, I just know it.

17. I love cats, well some cats, nice cats, but I’m not much of a dog person. They are darn cute to look at but man they seem like a lot of work.

18. I definitely want to go on a long backpacking trip around Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. I don’t know when, but definitely, before I’m 30.

19. I’ve had whooping cough, scarlet fever, and malaria, and somehow I’m still alive.

20. As proven in the image above, I don’t have many good photos of myself without other people in them. This is sadly one of the best ones I’ve got. This particular photo was taken on my trip to Vegas last summer. That was by far the biggest caesar salad I’ve ever had. Man, I love the Cheesecake Factory.

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  1. Michelle says:

    I love berry everything! haha Love getting to know more about you. And I know what you mean, I have no pictures of just myself that are good.

  2. Modest Money says:

    Thanks for sharing all this personal stuff Jessica. A lot of funny stuff on this list. Really, no berries or fruit?? I worked at a video rental store when I was younger too and it was definitely my best part time job too. By the way, that is one massive salad. It is nearly bigger than you. I’m the same way that my best photos all have someone else in them.

  3. Kathleen O'Malley says:

    That picture is cute! I’ll eat enough berries so that we can counter each other in the universe.

  4. A Young Investor says:

    Maybe you should publish your own cartoon into a book! Just a thought. 🙂

  5. MyMoneyDesign says:

    Ironically before I read number 17, I was going to comment that you look in your picture just like how my cat looks when I discover her doing something wrong! Ha!

    I enjoy these lists. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I was going to pick on the berry issue as well, but that seems to be a popular one! Those stupid standardized tests are hard! I took the GMAT at one point when I considered doing a Masters – I really sucked at the math, but somehow managed to pull off a good enough score to apply to schools.

    My random fact: I worked for 3 months at a Gelato store in Paris before traveling around Europe for a month.

  7. iwtkangaroo says:

    Haha! I love this pic! “I only like things with fake-berry taste.” LOL… that’s awesome. Glad I found your blog… I’m enjoying it. 🙂

  8. femmefrugality says:

    Haha that picture’s not so horrible. I have much much worse. I finished LOTR…but it was PAINFUL. Brilliant, but wayyyy too much prose. That’s so cool about the films. My sibling was into that for a while but never got that deep into it.

  9. bogofdebt says:

    I dislike croutons but love salads and that Caesar salad looks yummy. That’s my random fact. And I don’t think that looks like a bad picture at all!

  10. Eddy Hardy says:

    Um…You DO get health benefits when if you work in the film business. Pretty darn good ones too. I had no idea you didn’t like berries. I have never in my whole life heard of someone who did not not like berries. A random fact about me? I think raisins are the most terrible thing you could do to a grape. I couldn’t get through the Hobbit. That is another random fact.

    • Eddy Hardy says:

      IATSE members also have the added benefit of not having to pay MSP. So essentially their ENTIRE health care is actually free. As a member of the DGC, I get Dental, extended medical and life and disability insurance. I can get a massage at about 80% off as well as eye care and chiropractor services at a huge discount. Yes, independent filmmakers, well they get nothing except better creative expression. Maybe.

  11. Sean @ One Smart Dollar says:

    That might be one of the biggest salads I have ever seen.

    One thing that most people don’t know about me is that if I see a snake I am going to run like a little girl 🙂

    • Sean @ One Smart Dollar says:

      yeah it’s a no go on garden snakes for me as well. I live in Colorado so I get to worry about rattle snakes when I go on hikes. Fun.

  12. Lauren Bee says:

    I also am determined to be on reality tv-particularly the ones on HGTV, but all the good ones are filmed in Canada! I don’t know you well, but I found this post hilarious. Will definitely be reading on a regular basis from now on!

  13. jefferson @seedebtrun says:

    I really like this picture of you! It makes me want to eat a salad :p
    Random fact about me? From right now? I was reading your post *right* before I got a notification that you were commenting on my blog. Lol…nah, I’m not that boring. I can think of something interesting about me! *crickets* I just don’t want to right now. 🙂

  14. I LOVE THIS PICTURE! It’s so candid but it seems like it describes your personality…like I’m so sassy and awesome and I love eating salad 😛 I probably love it because it reminds me a lot of myself. Btw, this picture reminds me of Bridget for some reason haha! How tall are you? I thought you were tall for some reason!

  15. I forgot to respond to your question. A random fact about me is that I looove spicy food!!

  16. #1 Welcome to my world. lol! Except I do post production so at least the days are shorter and I don’t have to stand out in the rain. I’ll have to check out your films! I love berries but I hate melons. I just don’t see the point, ha ha!

  17. My Canuck Buck says:

    I cant’ believe you don’t like berries. I love them! Perhaps it’s a texture thing?I have a friend who hates the texture of seeds, so she doesn’t like berries. As for a random fact…ummm..I’m also picky about texture. I hate peanuts, but I love peanut butter!

  18. Aloysa @My Broken Coin says:

    Please, who can really finish Lord of the Rings? I could not even watch movies when they came out – fell asleep instantly.
    Great post! I love berries and some fruits. I love people who laugh hard and snort. I do it myself sometimes. 🙂

  19. B. (Below Her Means) says:

    13. – I want to hear! 19. – what is this, 1922? 😉

  20. Elizabeth_SimpleFinance says:

    I was ambidextrous when I was younger, but a teacher urged me that “right was right,” so now I’m a boring right-handed girl. This was great – loved getting to know you!

  21. Nell Terry says:

    Wow, you are one well-rounded lady! And creative! 🙂

  22. Amanda says:

    Did you ever go on your backpacking trip before turning 30? If not, you still should! Amazing experience.

    • Well sort of. I did end of going to Thailand for a month in 2013. Then since then moved from Vancouver to Toronto (so that was a big road trip), then lots of little trips to Paris, Tulum, San Diego, New York, San Francisco, Montreal and the Maritimes. 🙂

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