June 1, 2016

[Ep. 52] 30 Life Lessons I’ve Learned Before Turning 30

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This episode of the More Money Podcast is brought to you by Lowest Rates, who are providing $250 for today’s giveaway! To find the lowest rates when it comes to mortgages, insurance, and credit cards visit LowestRates.ca.

Today is a pretty big day for me. It’s my one-year anniversary of the More Money Podcast (with 52 episodes in the frickin’ can!), it’s the end of season 2 of my podcast (season 3 to resume in September), and this week is my birthday week. I officially turn 30 on Saturday, but in my mind, my birthday lasts a full week.

Now, this very special solo podcast episode is based on my blog post about the 30 life lessons I’ve learned before turning 30. I thought it would be cool to not just write about this, but also to explain what I’m talking about verbally. Honestly, as much as I love to blog (I mean I’ve been at it for 4 1/2 years now), I really do feel more myself when podcasting.

Maybe it’s because there’s no real room to overthink things and I can just say exactly what’s on my mind freely. In any case, I think I might do a few more of these blog posts turned into podcast episodes in the future. Plus I realized I really miss doing solo shows.

As promised, I am giving away some frickin’ awesome stuff to celebrate today including:

  • Two Amazon gift cards ($150 and $100) provided by Lowest Rates
  • My personal copy of Kelly Cutrone’s book If You Have to Cry, Go Outside
  • A copy of Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s Money Talks
  • A copy of David Chilton’s The Wealthy Barber Returns
  • A copy of Robert Brown’s Wealthing Like Rabbits
  • A copy of John Robertson’s The Value of Simple

The contest is now closed
Make sure to enter the contest for your chance to win! And in case you’re interested in getting your finances in order or want to follow me on social, below are some useful links! Thanks for listening and supporting the More Money Podcast, my podcast baby, for a whole year! You rock!

Helpful Resources & Tools

I’ve been hard at work making helpful tools for you so you can get more organized with your money and life in general. Check out some of the awesome resources I’ve made on my resources page!

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Disclosure: Nothing on my website or affiliated channels should be considered advice or an endorsement, and some content may include affiliate links in which I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclaimer to learn more.

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