May 30, 2016

30 Life Lessons I’ve Learned Before Turning 30

I’m Jessica and I’m a money expert, speaker, Accredited Financial Counsellor Canada®, host of the More Money Podcast, and am currently writing my first book with HarperCollins Canada (2025).
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This Saturday I turn 30. I’ve been thinking about this day for quite a while, and I know the only reason I’m not having a complete meltdown is that I’m in Paris stuffing my face with bread right now. Things could be worse, right?

Before I left for Paris for some much-needed R&R, I wanted to write a post to reflect on some of the lessons I’ve learned during my 30 years on Earth.

It’s still crazy to me that I’m actually turning 30. How did the time go by so fast? At least I can take comfort in the fact that with every passing year I learn something new, do something I never thought I would, and be able to see my net worth go up doesn’t hurt either.

So because my mantra is “Money. Life. Balance.”, I thought I’d break down my 30 life lessons into those three categories. I’ve also got a very special podcast episode (and my last for season 2) on the same topic which you can listen to below or by subscribing on iTunes!

Check out my podcast episode


1. You Don’t Deserve Anything

This may sound a bit harsh for my first lesson, but honestly, it’s so true. I’m sometimes baffled at how entitled I was in high school and university. Hell, I was still a brat in my mid-20s. I’d like to think that I’m over that stage, but it’s still a bit of a work in progress. In any case, a lesson I’ve definitely learned over the years is that no one deserves anything — especially when it comes to money.

Yes, some of us are born into wealthy families, and some of us are not. But that shouldn’t determine anything. The one percent can just as easily fall from grace and go bankrupt as poor people can go from rags to riches. To gain wealth and maintain it, you have to work for it. And if you live your life complaining that you deserve a better job, a higher salary, and more money in the bank, well good luck to you. I’d personally rather do something about it instead of complaining about what I ought to have and go get it.

2. If You Don’t Track Your Spending, You’ll Never Know Where Your Money Goes

If you’re a human on Earth, there’s a good chance you’ve asked yourself “Where did all my money go?” I still ask myself that from time to time. Well, you’ll never know the answer and take full control of your finances unless you track your spending. Yes, it is work and will take up some of your time, but time is money as they say, so this is absolutely putting your time to good use.

3. Education Can Be a Good Investment (and Also a Bad One)

I’ve been to school a few times. I’ve been to university twice (once for my Bachelor’s degree and second for my certificate in Digital Marketing Management). I’m also currently enrolled in a finance course, so I guess I’m on my third round of post-secondary education.

For me, education has been an amazing investment, both personally and professionally. I’ve become more articulate, business-minded, and creative because of it, and it also helped me in my current career path.

But here’s the thing, I never played the student debt game and that absolutely had a big impact. If I was $50,000 in the hole with a degree but no job prospects, I’d be pissed. Broke and pissed.

That’s why I always tell others that in order to make education a good investment, you’ve got to treat it like one. Go to school for something specific with actual job prospects, don’t take more courses than you’re required to cut down on costs, and try to find other ways to pay for your tuition besides going for that student loan. I’m talking scholarships, grants, and a part-time job here, not stripping or anything crazy.

4. Giving Money Away Should Be Part of Your Budget

Giving back has always been a normal part of my life since we used to give money at church every Sunday when I was a kid. When I moved out I wanted to make sure I continued to give back, whether it be by volunteering or writing a cheque. I think a lot of people forget about how important giving back is, especially when making a budget, but it is honestly one of the best things you could do with your money I promise you!

5. When It Comes to Money, Leave Family & Friends Out of It

This is something I’ve come to understand and I don’t think I’ll ever change my mind on it. When money has come into play with family or friends, things get complicated, feelings get hurt and it just never turns out how you want it to. If you want to have happy, healthy relationships with the people you love, leave money out of it. But if someone you love does need some help in that department, offer your emotional support, personal finance education, and a listening ear instead.

6. Use Your Free Work Benefits

I never used to take advantage of some of my work benefits, like massages, fitness reimbursements, and work discounts, but as I got older I started realizing that it was just downright stupid not to. Massages would normally cost me $100 a pop, my work covers them up to $500! That’s 5 amazing massages for free. FREE people!

7. Don’t Spend a Ton of Money on Your Wedding, You’ll Regret It

I probably spent more than I should have as the frugal personal finance blogger that I am, but I spent nowhere near what some people spend. Listen, I loved my wedding, but it took a year to plan and cost $16,000. Would I take it back? No. Would I have scaled it back? Probably. Do I tell every newly engaged couple that I meet to elope and save their money? Yes, yes I do.

8. Ditch Negative Money People, They Are Not Your Problem

Preach! Negative people suck, and people who are negative with their money suck even more. They have a way of making their problems your problems, and off-loading some of their negative attitude to you. Your life should be rich in money, life, and balance people, so ditch those lame money morons and walk on.

9. Debt Isn’t Normal

Listen, I know a lot of people have debt. That does not make having debt normal. We shouldn’t have debt. We should avoid it at all costs. So just because everyone you know has debt and doesn’t have a plan to do anything about it, that shouldn’t mean you should follow in their footsteps. Do something about it. Life on the other side is seriously the best.

10. You Won’t Always Be Broke (If You Put the Work In)

This was something I had to tell myself a lot the first few years I lived on my own. Luckily I was right. If you work hard, make a budget and stick to it and just do it (instead of just talking about it), you will move forward in your career, your savings and investments will grow and you will be richer than you were last year.


11. If You Don’t Do That One Thing That Scares You, You’ll Regret It

For me, this was moving away from my hometown. It was by far the craziest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m so glad I did it. My husband and I have been living away from home for almost 3 years now, and I can’t tell you how great it feels to say that as scary as it was, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done.

12. You’re Worth More Than You Think, So Give Yourself Some Credit

I’ve always struggled with confidence and perfectionist issues, and I know I’m incredibly hard on myself sometimes. But over the years I’ve realized that yes, I am good at things, and yes, I do need to give myself some credit (and so should you!).

13. The Key to Being a Good Friend Is Listening

I always thought I was a good friend, but it wasn’t until my late 20s that I truly understood what that meant. When I was younger I was sometimes selfish when it came to friendships. I was more focused on what I needed, without truly listening to what my friend needed.

Now, I try to make a concerted effort to ask more questions like “How are you really?” “How’s your family?” “How’s that specific thing we talked about last time?” It may not seem like much, but just think of how you feel when someone asks you about something that’s meaningful to your life. It shows that that person cares about you, so make sure to do the same.

14. It’s Okay to Say Goodbye to Old Friends

On the other side of the coin, it’s also important to know when you need to let go of a friendship. If you’re just giving and not getting anything in return, it’s time to say goodbye. It’s not easy and I’ve had to do this with a few friendships in my lifetime. As awkward and heartbreaking as it can be, if you want a life that’s filled with more positivity and balance, it might be necessary.

15. Don’t Waste Your Time with Negative People (They’ll Never Change)

This was a big lesson that took me a while to learn. For some reason, I’ve always been that person who thinks the best of people and believes they can change. Some of them can, and I’ve witnessed this happen, but those people are the exception, not the rule. So focus on the positive people you have around you, limit the time you have to be around any negative people, and no matter how you feel, be the bigger, nicer person.

16. Stay Calm When You Want to Freak Out

When I traveled to Thailand back in 2013, I found this book at a bookstore in Chiang Mai called If You Have to Cry, Go Outside by Kelly Cutrone. It’s a book about how to be a bad-ass career woman and how not to let your emotions get the best of you.

The book came at the perfect time for me because I was thinking a lot about my career and where I saw it going. What’s even weirder was when I went to buy the book, the bookseller said they didn’t even carry it. Someone must have put it on the bookshelf and stolen another book in its place. Serendipity perhaps?

The big lesson I got from the book was how to maintain composure under stressful situations. There have been plenty of times when I’ve wanted to cry or just freak out when the pressure was too much, but I don’t. I push those feelings down and get the job done. You’ll never find a solution to a big problem when you’re in full freak-out mode anyway. It’s when you keep calm and carry on that things end up working themselves out.

17. Sometimes It’s Best Just to Shut Your Mouth & Let It Go

Along the same lines, when you get so worked up over something, sometimes it’s best to just keep your opinions to yourself (or someone you can confide in). Usually, when some time has passed and you’ve calmed down, it won’t seem like such a big deal and you’ll be grateful you didn’t say something you couldn’t take back.

18. Therapy Is One of the Best Things You Could Do for Yourself

I’ve mentioned once on here that I’ve been to therapy. I sought out the help of a counselor when I first moved to Toronto because I was having a really hard time adjusting. I only ended up going to 2-3 sessions, but it literally changed my life. I was able to work through some issues from my past and move on.

Don’t ever doubt the power of therapy and don’t ever be ashamed to reach out for help. It absolutely made my life better and I recommend it to everyone. And the people who are judgemental about other people going to therapy, well, they probably need it the most.

19. Meeting New People Is Incredibly Fulfilling

I’m a natural introvert, so moving to a new city and not knowing anyone was basically my worst nightmare. It was like starting at a new school as a teenager and trying to fit in. Looking back at the past few years, yes, it wasn’t always easy meeting new people, but I got better at it. And now I actually love it and feel incredibly fulfilled when I meet someone new and learn about their story. I think part of the reason I started a podcast was just so I could talk to new people every week!

20. Life Is Longer Than You Think, So Don’t Burn Bridges

You think you know everything when you’re young, but something you definitely don’t know is that life can be long. It can end in an instant, but it can also last for what feels like an eternity. Don’t be a jerk, don’t think you’re better than others, and don’t burn bridges. Because if you do, you’ll wake up one day and wonder why you don’t have any genuine friendships or fulfilling relationships. Be kind, say you’re sorry, and treat others how you’d like to be treated — it’s that easy.


21. Vacations Aren’t Just Fun, They’re Imperative to Your Well Being

This may seem like a no-brainer, but I work in the downtown core of Toronto, and believe me, a lot of people who work there probably haven’t had a vacation since 2001. It’s a city chock full of workaholics, and it is a struggle to find some balance amongst all of that.

That’s why no matter what when I’m on vacation, I’m on vacation. I don’t look at my work email, I try to limit my access to the internet and social media, and I just chill out. There’s seriously no better feeling than unwinding for a good week than feeling rejuvenated when you get back.

22. Travelling to Unexpected Places Will Give You Some Much-Needed Perspective

Most of the places I’ve traveled to, I didn’t actually want to go to. Paris is probably the first place I’ve been to that I’ve dreamed about visiting since I was little. Besides that, on my trips to Thailand, The Gambia, and even my most recent trip to Prince Edward County, I wasn’t thrilled to go. But I wanted to be open-minded and give them a chance, and I’m so glad I did.

It’s sometimes the places you least expect that become your favourite places in the world. Not to mention experiencing some vastly different cultures. Sometimes you can feel like you live in a bubble where everything’s the same, and when you feel like that, it probably means it’s time for you to jet off to someplace new.

23. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others (Social Media Isn’t Real)

I’m way better at this compared to my 20-year-old self, but it’s still something I have to work at. It’s hard not to compare yourself to others, even when you know that it’s unhelpful and you most likely don’t have the full story. Most of what you know about others is what you hear from mutual acquaintances or what you see on social media. Don’t waste your time thinking about all that stuff, focus on yourself and what’s truly important to your life and how you want to live it.

24. You Can Have It All, Just Not All at the Same Time

I love this saying because it is pure truth. It’s impossible to have everything you want at the same time. That’s just not how life works. No matter how much you try, you don’t have full control over life and things will happen when they are meant to. The key thing to remember is to be grateful for what you have. You can still strive for more but do so while being thankful for what you’ve got right now.

25. Write Things Down!

Honestly, sometimes the only way to keep my mind from spinning is to write everything in a list. It may be a huge, scary list, but at least it’s written down and I know I can try to tackle it one item at a time. When I don’t use lists, I freak out and feel overwhelmed. Lists people! They are miracle workers!

26. Schedule Time to Meditate

I’m definitely not a yogi, and I don’t think I meditate the “proper” way, but what I mean here is you need to make time for yourself where you can clear your head of all your daily stresses, relax and recenter. This could mean taking a bath and listening to music, it could mean reading a trashy book in bed, or it could mean literally meditating on a yoga mat in your living room. Whatever it is, schedule it into your weekly routine. It could make all the difference.

27. Compartmentalization is Vital for Survival

I don’t like the idea of compartmentalizing things, but it truly is the only way I’ve been able to survive adult life for the past several years. Adulting is hard. It just is. Especially when you don’t really know where your life is going and you live in a big city. But just like making a list, compartmentalizing things in your life can make it easier to handle.

My husband always makes fun of me because he says my brain is divided into houses. I’ve got my workhouse and my fun house. When I’m in my workhouse, I can’t be bothered until whatever I’m working on is done. When I’m in my fun house, I don’t even think about work and can focus solely on having fun and being silly. Brain houses people, it’s a thing.

28. You’ll Never Regret Asking for Help or Advice When You Need It

I am incredibly stubborn and used to never ask for help. I feared it was a sign of weakness, and I always wanted to appear strong. The older I’ve gotten, I realize that’s now totally stupid. You’re not weak if you need help and ask for it. You’re smart. You’ve got a problem and you’re trying to see if someone has the solution because you don’t have it. It’s straight-up math people. We’re all in this together, and most people are keen as pie to offer a lending hand.

29. Working Out May Not Be Your Thing, But Make It Your Thing

I struggle with finding a good rhythm when it comes to working out. Sometimes I’m on fire for like a month and won’t let anything get in the way of my workouts. And some months I just eat carbs and sit on the couch. The thing is, I’m always happier and more energetic when I’m in my workout mode. I am not a workout person, but I want to be and I’m never gonna stop trying to be. It may be a lifelong struggle, but I’d rather at least try to get Rich & Fit, than not try at all!

30. Forgive, Let Go & Move Forward

Do you want balance in your life? Then you need to do these 3 things immediately. Forgive anyone who has wronged you, let go of hard feelings, and move forward with your awesome life. Not everyone is nice or thoughtful in the world, but you can either let that get you down, or you can forgive, let go and move forward.

Ok, for the comments people, tell me one life lesson you’ve learned that you’d like to share. Make sure to also join my Facebook group to join in the conversation there!

Disclosure: Nothing on my website or affiliated channels should be considered advice or an endorsement, and some content may include affiliate links in which I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclaimer to learn more.

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  1. DC says:

    “You can have it all, just not at the same time.” Yes! This is something I think people our age struggle with a lot. I was talking to my mom about our recent change to being a 1 income family and she says things were just simpler back when she was my age. Not so much pressure to keep up with the Jones’, no HGTV telling people they need granite counter tops and stainless everything in their first home.

    I unfortunately have a lot of student debt, and I estimate that between scholarships, bursaries, summer jobs, and sometimes working part-time during the school year I saved myself at least 30k. Was I entirely responsible with my money during this time? No. But two degrees are expensive and some debt couldn’t be avoided as I was unable to always work during the school year.

    We only had 10 guests at our wedding, and still spent quite a bit. We debated a total elopement with just the two of us, the big 150 person wedding, or the immediate family only wedding, but honestly I still would have gotten our crazy expensive yet amazing photographer no matter what. We paid for our wedding in cash and even had some money left over in the bank when all the bills were paid.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      That’s awesome that you saved yourself 30k in student loans. It’s all that extra effort that makes a big difference! And totally agree, we spent a few thousand on our photographer but it was such money well spent. Memories captured so beautifully that we’ll have until we’re old.

  2. Amanda S @ Passionately Simple Life says:

    The first point is something that I live my life by and it definitely makes life easier and harder all around. But in all honesty, there is no better feeling than knowing you have worked your hardest for everything.

    Have a wonderful birthday and best wishes on this next year!

  3. Julie@ChooseBetterLife says:

    Great list, girl! I love that you call out the difference between common and normal. Debt and diabetes are common, but they’re not normal! Happy Birthday!

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Exactly, it’s something I honestly hear all the time, “But everyone has debt” and it just drives me crazy. Just because everyone has debt doesn’t mean that’s a good thing. Debt isn’t good. Plain and simple.

  4. Christina says:

    Awesome List! I remember an episode of ‘Til Debt where Gail got mad at the people for donating lots of money while they were in debt (paying interest/donating money that is borrowed is crazy) so I love that #4 is to work that into your budget! I am working on finding the money for that kind of stuff and I will make sure to make it a budget category (there’s always going to be charities hitting me up for cash, I might as well plan for it).
    Love the list! Happy birthday and welcome to the 30’s! It’s not so bad here!

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Totally. Budgeting is for giving back I think is important, but don’t go overboard. And borrowing money to give to charity just doesn’t make sense!

  5. Mackenzie says:

    “Debt isn’t normal”. Yes, yes, yes to this one! I hate my consumer debt and cannot wait for the day when it is truly all gone. Great post Jessica and Happy Birthday 🙂

  6. Happy soon-to-be 30th! Some great life lessons, I’m on the verge of 35 and many of my colleagues still struggle with these even with the extra 5 years.

    For my addition to the your list – I’d have to say “It is never too late”. That can be to start a new career, to make a new friend or to start saving for the future. People who avoid bettering their lives because its “too late to make a big move like that” will eventually be right if they keep putting it off; but for now it is never too late.

  7. Erin bury says:

    Great post Jessica! I wrote a similar one for HuffPo when I turned 30 last year – mine was more focused on work, and my #1 life lesson was to spend time working on and building your personal brand. I think people assume that if they have a job they don’t need to go to events, build their social media presence, or work on their thought leadership. But you will inevitably have ups and downs in your career, so work on making yourself “Google-able” and growing your network so you are more than just your job.

    • Courtney says:

      I think another important lesson building on this one is “nobody cares about you as much as you do,” whether that’s in professional or personal development. Ask for and find what you need!

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      And building my personal brand has been a big goal of mine for 2016. Thanks Erin!

  8. Shelly says:

    Wonderful list!! I have to remind myself constantly of #23. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others!!! I think that’s why it took me so long to start a blog. I always thought I wasn’t as good as everyone else. Well, I’m sure I’m not as good as some people, but I’m me, and that’s all I can be. 🙂

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Absolutely, there will always be someone “better than you”, but who cares! No one can be a better “you” than you! So be the best you you can be.

  9. Jenny Peters says:

    This is really hitting home for me, as 30 is right around the corner. My biggest lesson has been to live every day and stop waiting for everything to be perfect. Life will never be perfect, and I used to feel like I couldn’t live until it was. I try to live every day and make steps toward the perfect life. I’m the only one who can decide what is perfect for me, so why not live it now?

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Exactly, and I totally get where you’re coming from being a perfectionist. I used to not try certain things or delay things because they weren’t perfect, but I’ve slowly started to get rid of the idea that perfection should be the end goal. Nothing’s perfect, so why try to attain it?

  10. Daniel says:

    I know how you feel, my little friend. I turned 40 this year…
    One thing I’d say is “Ditch Negative People, They Are Not Your Problem”. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
    I started getting away from negative people some years ago. Some of them were my closest friends. I’m sorry, not sorry.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Exactly, negative people just suck up your time, energy and emotions. No one’s got time for that!

  11. JackieDL says:

    Great list. I try to life a simple life. Live within your means, be accountable, be present and be grateful.

  12. Casey says:

    I think my biggest lesson is life can be whatever you want. I think we get set in this idea of University, get a job, find a spouse, buy a house, etc. But you just just jet off to Thailand and live there. Or you could choose to be single forever. Or skip school and start a business. Its whatever you want

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Yup! I totally thought there was a structured path to the “good life”, but it’s ridiculous to think that. Every life is different, and even more, that path sounds boring! Take risks, try new things, and do things that you wouldn’t expect yourself to do because they may change your life for the better.

  13. Dayle says:

    Hi there
    I really enjoyed this post.
    I’ve also been enjoying your pod cast, and I entered your giveaway, claiming that “I commented” but when I went to do so, I didn’t see anywhere to comment on that podcast post. So… I’m commenting here!
    Have a super day and keep up the great work.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Good point, I just realized I don’t have a comment section for podcast shownotes (duh!). But thanks for the comment and contest entry!

  14. Alli says:

    Great list! One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is to let go of the little problems in life. If I ever find myself getting worked up over something I ask will this matter in a year? 90% of the time it won’t and I’m able to let go of the stress.

  15. Leeanne C. says:

    well I’m not sure if this is a life lesson but we recently lost a loved one and boy has this ever impacted family. You had mentioned life insurance in your podcast and it’s so important to have all areas covered. It’s surely something you look at but not wanting to talk about. Guess for me and my husband it’s an eye opener. Also to enjoy each day to its fullest. Thanks for your blogs.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Sorry for your loss Leeanne. Losing a loved one is never easy and I agree it can be a real eye opener and can help you realize that every day is precious.

  16. Amelia says:

    My biggest life lesson is that I came to learn that nothing lasts forever and I should not be entitled to certain things I used to be.

  17. Erica B says:

    My life lesson is to save early for retirement – those graphs of compounding interest are definitely motivating.

  18. John Wiedenheft says:

    The biggest thing my wife and I have learned recently (we’re 32 and 30), was to have separate checking accounts for our bills and non-bills. We were having that “paycheck timing” issue where we would buy something before we got paid, and then a bill would go through that we forgot about, pushing us below zero. By separating bills into their own separate account, we know exactly the amount that needs to be in there because we know exactly how much is going to come out every month. We then have our budget for the non-bills and follow that.

  19. MomofTwoPreciousGirls says:

    I’ve learned that there is no such thing as Work/Life Balance. There’s choices, and inevitably a choice you make in one area may mean sacrificing in another area. I have spoken to many successful female leaders in my industry. They all love their work, but when asked about regrets, they always talk about the sacrifice of time with their families, especially their children. They know they did their best work so they could provide amazing opportunities for their children, but they also know they missed out on a lot. Children are only small once and for a small part of our adult lives. I have had to make decisions in my career that ultimately leave me far behind where I should be 20 years in. However, every time I go to events at my girls’ school and see other children in tears because their parents couldn’t make it, I know I am doing what is best for my family. Doesn’t make it sting any less, but it’s a choice I make every day.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      That’s true. Work/life balance doesn’t mean having this perfect career and perfect life at the same time. That’s impossible. It’s about finding a balance that works for you so you can strive for that career and have a fulfilling life, but that does mean you’ll have to make choices and sacrifices that aren’t always easy.

  20. Vanessa says:

    I totally agree that vacations are imperative! It’s so easy to burn yourself out, especially when you are just entering the workforce. The only way you can be at your best for work is if you are kind to yourself. Balance in your life is key.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Just coming back from my vacation I can confirm that I was right haha. Vacations are the best.

  21. Pauline says:

    Happy belated birthday Jessica! All the best for this new decade.

    I guess the one life lesson I’ve learned is to let “my yes means yes and my no means no”. So many times I accepted a task only because I felt bad for saying no. More often than not, the result for that is me stressing out because I have way too many things on my plate. It’s been quite a challenge thus far but I’m slowly learning to figure out what my priorities are and how I can offer another “yes” when I give them a “no” as an answer.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      I so know what you mean and definitely did that a lot in my 20s. I’d say yes to things I didn’t really want to do, but as I get older I’m more comfortable saying no and I rarely regret it.

  22. Tara says:

    Sometimes it’s worth spending if it will save you a headache or injury later.

    I got a few sessions with a personal trainer when I decided to work out. Best money I’ve ever spent! I had no idea what I was doing, so it was worth paying for the trainer instead of doctor’s bills later

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Totally. I have a friend who got a trainer and I think was with him for about a year and he’s seriously in the best shape of his life and so happy. Money well spent if it’s on your health!

  23. Melanie says:

    The biggest lesson that I had to learn through $29,000 of student loan debt, is that just because someone else is okay with debt doesn’t mean you need to be as well.

    I entered school and was petrified of going thousands of dollars into debt. But once I started hanging around my classmates and hearing them talk about OSAP, I kinda convinced myself that I was being paranoid and that debt was a tool that should be used to overcome financial difficulties. But I never searched outside that solution for financial hardship, I just thought that debt was the only way. Now I have learned that making more money, getting a side hustle, reducing spending, etc are all viable and more successful ways to overcome expensive life events.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      At least you learned that lesson early and are taking action to reduce your debt. A lot of people unfortunately don’t learn this until way later in life.

  24. Nicole says:

    I’ve learned that you only live once and that you can’t take money with you when you die. You need to find a balance between saving money for retirement but also enjoying yourself.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Exactly. You do only live once, but you don’t know how long you’ll live. It’s not easy but vital to find that balance to save enough for retirement in case you live til 100, but also not live so frugally that you delay enjoying life until it’s too late.

  25. Vanessa says:

    Great list! I agree with like 90% of it all. #17, just be quiet when it comes to those little things and let it go, is probably the best advice for anyone in nearly any situation.

  26. Ann says:

    Love this post. One life lesson that has been impactful on my life is to never be entitled, and be happy with what we have, no matter how bad we think our lives are, there are millions of people out there in worse situations than us, and that we should feel lucky.

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Absolutely. Being entitled is just so ridiculous. No one owes anyone anything, you have to earn it but still never forget to be humble.

  27. Kristen says:

    Happy Birthday! Just discovered your podcast. Plan on going back and catching up while you enjoy the summer. keep it up!

    • Jessica Moorhouse says:

      Yay, so glad you found it, and hope you enjoy it (there’s quite the catalogue now after a year!).

  28. Rob says:

    Hi Jess,

    Just finished listening to your podcast #52. Great year of podcasts that you’ve had there, lady!
    Btw, happy birthday – big three oh – today, my friend.
    (oh, to be 30 again !!! but I digress…)

    Have a great weekend

  29. Peter Fong says:

    I like number 23, don’t compare yourself to others. I do it, it burns sometimes when you see what others have or have spent money on. A massive house, leased cars, trips. Its tough but it has to listed in this article which is a great point.

    Number 25 is also one of my favourites. Write things down. To me, that is make a list of things to accomplish today. There are too many things happening in a single day that things need to be written down and crossed off when done.

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