September 8, 2015

[Ep. 17] The Road to Financial Success with Preet Banerjee

Apple Podcasts



Amazon Music


Can I just start off by saying how amazing Preet sounds on my podcast? He puts my “radio voice” to shame! I should have known, he is a podcaster and TV personality after all.

I’ve got to say, this is probably one of my favourite podcast episodes (not to bash any of the episodes I’ve done up until this point, but they are all amazing too!). Preet is such a cool, genuine guy and it was so nice to hear his story.

I mean, how many people do you know who went to school to be a brain surgeon, then pursued a career in race car driving, and ended up becoming a well-known financial expert on TV? I guess never having a 5-year plan might be the way to go.

Before I get to the important links and book giveaway, I’ve got to hang my head in shame because I still haven’t crossed off 1) get a will and 2) get life and disability insurance off my list.

To be fair, I almost did. I made an appointment with a lawyer to get a will done, but had to cancel and just haven’t rescheduled it. But I will get both of these things done before Christmas, mark my words Preet! And you better too…I’m talking to you, blog readers and podcast listeners!

Important Links Preet Mentioned

Preet’s Ted Talk

CBC’s The Bottomline

Money Lessons with Preet

For more podcast episodes, check out the podcast page.

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