February 6, 2019

[Ep. 181] How to Get Happy with Your Money with Melissa Leong

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Welcome to Season 8 of the More Money Podcast y’all! I know, I know…where have I been? For the past 3 years I’ve always started a new season of the show the first week of January. Well, to tell you the truth, I only had this episode recorded before I took off to Vancouver to enjoy Christmas with my family. In other words, I wasn’t ready! And I didn’t just want to put a season together quick, I wanted to make sure this season is one of my best yet! I believe it is, starting with having the amazing Melissa Leong on the show for my first episode.

You probably are already familiar with Melissa. She was my favourite financial journalist at the Financial Post for years, then transitioned into an entrepreneur herself as a speaker, host, TV personality on The Social, and now personal finance author with her new book Happy Go Money.
This book has been a decade in the works because although Melissa shares some great advice and research in it, it is also very personal. What inspired this book was her husband’s depression which got her to explore the world of happiness.

I think it’s no surprise that we’re dealing with a major happiness problem today. So many of us (myself included) are dealing with depression, anxiety, and feelings of failure and unfulfillment. But that doesn’t mean we should just throw our hands up and give in. We need to get our happiness back! Especially when it comes to our money.

Here are some of my favourite gems from this episode.

Give Me 3

One of my favourite parts of the podcast was when Melissa shares her tip for keeping accountable when trying to focus on the positive, instead of complaining about the negative. I find I get especially down during the winter months, so I’m going to practice this whenever I, or my husband, catch myself complaining for no real reason.
How does it work? If you find yourself or someone you know focusing on the negative, say “Give me 3!” and share 3 good things about your life, your day, or whatever you want!
Focusing on the positive takes practice, so start practicing with me today!

No More Victimhood

I find this a lot with people who I deem “negative”. You know who I mean. Those people that no matter what, everything is always the worst, and nothing is ever their fault. Life just happens to them, and they sure are unlucky. Umm…no! The only way to change your life for the better is to stop acting like a victim. You need to take control of your life, your circumstances, and your future. The only way to do that is to stop being a victim, take responsibility, and then take action!

Meditation Can Be as Effective as Medication

This is 100% true, and not just because it’s a claim backed by research. I know so many people who swear that meditation has been the fix they’ve been looking for. I myself have even experimented with it, and when I do it regularly, I do find myself so much happier with my present.
There are some great apps you can use to get started too like Calm and Headspace, or you can simply practice on your own. But try it out and see if you start to feel a change.

Books to Read

If you want to continue learning about happiness, money or both, here are some book recommendations mentioned in this episode:

Grab a Copy of Melissa’s Book

Learn how to get happy with your money by grabbing a copy of Melissa Leong’s book “Happy Go Money”!
Buy a copy of “Happy Go Money”

Follow Melissa

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