October 18, 2017

[Ep. 121] How to Screw Your Nine to Five with Jill Stanton

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For this episode of the podcast, I talk to Jill Stanton, co-founder of Screw the Nine to Five. Currently living in Vancouver (but originally from Toronto), she and her husband started a mega-successful online business because, at the end of the day, they wanted to be able to screw their 9 to 5 jobs and live life on their terms.

That’s why I was so drawn to Jill’s story. She was able to finally find her passion, start a business, and essentially become completely location independent. She was even able to live in Thailand for a number of years, needing only her laptop to keep her business going. But as you’ll learn in her interview, it wasn’t that easy to get off the ground. She and her husband started a number of different businesses before finding one that clicked.

We talk more about the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur, what you should consider financially before screwing your 9 to 5, and how to not let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do as your career.

What to Ask Yourself When Starting Your Business

  • Does it feel heavy or light? If whatever you’re working on in your business feels heavy, edit it out.
  • Focus on your plan A and don’t look back. When you have this attitude, you’ll feel more pressure (and motivation) to make it work.
  • You don’t need a business or marketing background, degree, or a business coach to start a business (just take Jill as a prime example). But that being said, work hard, do your research, and be smart with the decisions you make.

Helpful Resources

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