March 15, 2016

[Ep. 41] How to Make That Bacon with Karen Yap

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Karen Yap has been blogging about personal finance over at Makin’ the Bacon for close to 4 years and she’s learned a lot about making money and switching careers during that time. Although she considers herself to be a bit of a job hopper, what she really is is a woman who doesn’t want to settle and has big aspirations — just like we all do.

I can definitely relate to Karen’s story because I myself have switched careers, and when I initially started my personal finance blog under the name More Money Mo’ Houses, you bet I wanted to make money of it! I can definitely agree with her though that blogging is not an “easy” way to make money (and any blogger who says it is, well, they’re either full of crap or they’re doing something fishy).

Blogging (not to mention podcasting) is like having a second job. And not only does Karen have a full-time job, which she now loves, but on top of blogging, she is also a fitness instructor! She even invited me to one of her classes, but I think I might need to work up to that.

One of the key takeaways that I hope you get from this podcast episode is that every journey is different when it comes to your career. Karen had what most people would consider the best job you could ask for — a job with the government. It paid well, it was secure and it came with a great pension. But she wasn’t happy, and she knew she needed to leave to get her happiness back.

So she started from the ground up again, going to networking events and talking to other women about their careers to get insight into what else she could do. This not only led her to her current job, but it inspired her to start her Makin’ the Bacon blog series, highlighting awesome women rocking their careers.

Check out the links below to learn more about Karen, her blog and journey to make her bacon, and her career blog series. I might even be one of the awesome women featured there.

Check Out Karen Yap on Social

Check Out Karen’s Career Blog Series

For more podcast episodes, check out the podcast page.

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