May 2, 2018

[Ep. 157] Building Confidence to Live Your Best Life with Lauren Ferraro

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The minute I met speaking coach Lauren Ferraro for our first lesson together, I knew I needed to have her on the podcast. And not just because she’s an expert speaker (a podcaster’s dream!), but because she just exudes confidence. I’m not talking about puffing out your chest, holding your head up high kind of confidence. I’m talking about genuine confidence in yourself. Something I think most of us wish we had more of.

So, for this episode of the show, she joins me to chat about confidence, or in her case, being comfortable on stage, in a room, or in yourself. The reason why it’s so important to have that confidence is that by being comfortable in yourself, you’ll feel more inclined to take risks that will inevitably have financial benefits. I’m talking about negotiating your salary for a new job, getting a promotion and raise, pitching yourself as a freelancer, and pitching your products and services as an entrepreneur or business owner (you get the idea).

I know that after listening to this interview, you’ll immediately want to start putting some of her tips into practice. For instance, her advice on how to network but practicing what you’re going to say ahead of time is invaluable! Also, make sure to check out the links below for more info about Lauren and her speaking business (which in my opinion, is so worth the money!).

Learn More About Lauren

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