November 22, 2017

[Ep. 131] How to Build Wealth by Changing Your Money Mindset with Kelley Keehn

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Personal finance expert and author Kelley Keehn chatted with me for this fabulous episode of the podcast, and I couldn’t be happier! I love that her mission is to make people feel good about money! Just like she said in our episode when people feel good about their money, they are better people and thrive in other areas of their lives.

I wholeheartedly agree. When you feel confident in your finances, you feel confident in your life. You start making better and longer-term decisions, instead of decisions based on survival or the immediate future.
We also go a bit deeper in our interview and talk about the different money mindsets people have. Like how they can either help you build wealth and live a life you want, or they can impede you from experiencing your full potential.

I know that my money mindset has evolved over the years, and that’s the amazing thing too. Just because you have said a scarcity mindset, doesn’t mean you can flip the switch into an abundance mindset. Everything is changeable and fixable, you just have to be self-aware and start making small changes to make a big change in the end.

Learn More About Kelley

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