October 26, 2016

[Ep. 69] Why David from Texas Advocates a Cash-only Lifestyle

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After listening to my Listener Series episode with Amanda from Ottawa, David from Texas answered my call out to be on my podcast, and I’m so glad he did. I feel like his story is so relatable, and yet I don’t think I’ve ever interviewed anyone who paid off $40,000 in debt in only 14 months, then stuck to a cash-only diet for good after that.

I’m serious in that after listening to our conversation again, I kind of want to try to live off cash only for a month or two to see how much spending and savings are affected. I do try to use debit for all my day-to-day spending, but I do lean on my credit cards from time to time.

I hope you find this episode as inspiring as I did, but since David has so many good soundbites, I’ve included a few gems below. Thanks again David for joining me on the podcast, and I mean it, you should start your own. Your voice and charm are gold!

David’s Words of Wisdom

  • It is possible if you believe it’s possible…You have got to be focused and you have got to treat like it’s a life and death situation.

David’s Top Money Tips for People in Debt

  • Get serious about it
  • Start with a budget
  • Look after your taxes
  • Track your spending
  • Believe it’s possible
  • Prayer works

Got a story that you think would be good to share on an episode of the Listener series? Please email me!

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