August 18, 2015

[Ep. 14] Climbing out of Debt by Living like a Frugalista with Catherine MacLean

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In this episode, I talk to Catherine MacLean from the personal finance blog Plunged in Debt. From the name of her blog, you can guess what its focus is on. Catherine and her husband have a huge amount of debt to pay off, and it hasn’t been easy. On top of that, they are a young family with a 3-year-old daughter to provide for.

Fortunately, Catherine is one financially savvy lady and writes about all the different ways she’s found to cut back and save on the little things. If you’re in debt and need some motivation to stick to your budget and kick your debt to the curb, you definitely need to check out Catherine’s blog (and listen to our podcast episode).

In our conversation, Catherine and I mentioned a few of her most notable blog posts, so here they are below for you to check out. I’ve also given some shout-outs to some iTunes reviewers, so check below to see if one of them is you!

Blog Posts Catherine Mentioned

  • How I Dress My Kid on a Budget
  • Would You Marry Someone With A Lot of Debt?
  • Financial Success Does Not Start With a Budget
  • What I Gave Up (and Gained) to Reach My Financial Goals
  • No More Babies Until Debt is Gone

Shout Outs

At the end of this episode, I gave some shout-outs to some iTunes reviews from my American friends. Thank you so much to OboistKat, Melissa Bondar, and Kate Dore for leaving me some awesome reviews.

I really value your feedback, so thanks for taking the time to leave me a review. I appreciate you!
And if you would like to be given a shout-out on a future episode, all you have to do is leave me a review on iTunes or Stitcher. And if you have a website or blog as well, make sure to include the URL in your review, and I’ll link to it in the show notes of the episode, I thank you.

Are you plunged in debt like my guest Catherine? What is your toughest struggle, and what are you doing to try to climb out of that huge debt mountain?

For more podcast episodes, check out the podcast page.

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