October 27, 2015

[Ep. 24] From 6 Figures in Debt to 7 Figures in Savings with Revanche

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Talk about overcoming some major obstacles, Revanche seriously is one inspiring woman. It’s one thing to try to get yourself out of debt by working hard and saving aggressively, but it’s quite another to do the same to help your family out of a tough financial situation.

Although I think Revanche’s story is quite unique, I also feel like she’s not alone in being thrown into a situation where your loved ones need your help and you need to make some big sacrifices to get them out.

I’d love to know in the comments if anyone else has experienced something similar! Please share your stories if you have them.

Although it was a long journey for Revanche, which you’ll learn in our podcast episode together, she didn’t just stop when the debt was finally paid off. She set herself an even loftier goal to achieve next — to become a millionaire so she never has to experience debt like that again.
I applaud Revanche’s dedication and hard work and seriously can’t wait until she makes it into the two-comma club.

Notable Blog Posts by Revanche

Learn More About Revanche

What Do You Think?

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