July 1, 2015

[Ep. 7] DIY Investing with Barry Choi

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If you’ve been a reader of my blog throughout these 3 and half years, then you already know that I am by far no expert when it comes to investing. Not for lack of desire, but I guess when it comes to personal finance I just stick to what I’m comfortable with — saving and budgeting. That being said, I know that in order to continue to increase my net worth, I need to do a better job of investing.

Right now, I’m just investing in mutual funds in my RRSP and TFSA, but I definitely want to diversify in the future. That’s where Barry Choi comes in.

Barry has been a DIY investor for a number of years and has been writing about his experience on his blog Money We Have as well. Since I really wanted to learn more about his investing strategies, I thought he would be the perfect podcast guest for this episode.

We talk about a lot of topics, including how to get started as a DIY investor and how to implement the Couch Potato method of investing, so make sure you check out some of these handy resources Barry mentioned on the show below.

As an added bonus, I am also giving away a copy of John Robertson’s investing for beginners book The Value of Simple: A Practical Guide to Taking the Complexity Out of Investing. You may already know John from his blog Holy Potato, but Barry highly praised this book (and gave me a copy to check out), so I’m super pumped to be giving one of you lucky winners a copy too!

Resources Barry Mentioned

How do you invest? Do you go through a financial advisor, a broker, or do you do-it-yourself like Barry?

For more podcast episodes, check out the podcast Page.

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